Welcome to my little place.

Tingfeng is a Master of Science in Computer Science student at UCLA, since fall quarter 2021.

Prior, Tingfeng obtained his Bachelor of Science with High Distinction in Computer Science from University of Toronto St. George (2T1), where his studies focused on applications of machine learning to solve human computer interaction problems, particularly in the education sector. In the long term, his goal is to use machine learning algorithms to help improve end-user experiences, ultimately making lifes better for all technology users.

Ting loves Caligraphy, photography, and cycling. Check out samples of his recent photography on Instagram, or see Unsplash for originals.

Stuff that I made


Github repo with 40+ stars that contains notes to most of my courses since Winter 2019 term.

Team ZeroLoss

ASA DataFest@UofT COVID-19 Virtual Data Challenge project using emotions that people express on Twitter to explore societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trained NLP model using transfer learning on RoBERTa (variant of BERT), and specially tweaked it for Twitter text.


Real-Time facial expression detection with convolution neural networks and respective emoji masking with homography estimation.


Game Rating Platform built with React frontend and Express backend where users can find games, rate them, and leave comments to share their thoughts on them. Designed for gamers by team 042.