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Notes for some of courses at UCLA


Build status made-with-latex License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

๐Ÿ“š Notes for some of my courses at University of California Los Angeles

โ€ฆ a continuation to tingfengx/uoftnotes


๐Ÿ“’ 2023 Winter Quarter

๐Ÿ’ป Typesetting in \LaTeX

Most of these notes were written with a software called TeXpad. Unfortunatelly, this brilliant application is only available on MacOS right now. But if you are using a Mac, I would highly recommend you try it out. (I was not paid by TeXpad in anyway lol. )

(Legacy) Compiling with Makefile - Compiled using ```pdflatex```: `````` $ pdflatex --version pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) kpathsea version 6.3.1 Copyright 2019 Han The Thanh (pdfTeX) et al. `````` - Compilation automated with ```latexmk```: `````` $ latexmk -version Latexmk, John Collins, 26 Dec. 2019. Version 4.67 `````` This is particularly useful to automate the multiple runs of ```pdflatex``` needed for some documents. - Please note that some of these notes used the LaTeX package `minted`. To compile the documents containing `minted` using ```latexmk```, you need to use the shell escape flag. Please (create if not exist) add the following to your `~/.latexmkrc`. `````` $latex = 'latex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape'; $pdflatex = 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape'; `````` - [Make]( is a build automation tool that automatically builds executable programs and libraries from source code by reading files called Makefiles which specify how to derive the target program. In the project, we are using it to automate the compilation of the pdf documents from the LaTeX source codes using ```pdflatex``` as well as clean up all the not needed auxilary log files.


Check out my commands and templates at


licensebuttons by-nc-sa
Unless otherwise stated, all files in this repo are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. You can find the full legal code as well as its translations here. By the license, in human readable words, you are free to

under the following terms:

